TV Program / 2017〜「Eテレ2355・0655」から生まれた、夏休みの一大イベント「自由研究」をテーマにした特番で、毎年夏休みシーズンに放送しています。与えられたテーマをこなすことから離れ、自分の身の周りから興味深い現象を発見し、実験・考察するという、研究とサイエンスの考え方を楽しく伝えます。
↗️自由研究55 - NHK
↗️自由研究55 - NHK
This is a special program on the theme of "Jiyu Kenkyu (free research)", a major event during the summer vacation, which was born from "E-tele 2355/0655 " and is broadcasted every year during the summer vacation season. It is a fun way to convey the concept of research and science, where you can get away from doing a given theme and discover interesting phenomena around you, experiment and think about them.
Cargo Collective 2017 — Frogtown, Los Angelesda